Classes and functions to transform cleaned EHR dataset into `Patient` & `PatientList` objects that can be used for neural net training.

Load Cleaned Data

{'diabetes': '44054006',
 'stroke': '230690007',
 'alzheimers': '26929004',
 'coronary_heart': '53741008',
 'lung_cancer': '254637007',
 'breast_cancer': '254837009',
 'rheumatoid_arthritis': '69896004',
 'epilepsy': '84757009'}
train_dfs, valid_dfs, test_dfs = load_cleaned_ehrdata(PATH_1K)
all_dfs = train_dfs
patients_df, patient_demographics_df, all_rec_dfs = all_dfs[0], all_dfs[1], all_dfs[2:]
patient birthdate diabetes diabetes_age stroke stroke_age alzheimers alzheimers_age coronary_heart coronary_heart_age lung_cancer lung_cancer_age breast_cancer breast_cancer_age rheumatoid_arthritis rheumatoid_arthritis_age epilepsy epilepsy_age
0 b1d50391-79c5-403c-919f-3ded66c9d77a 1959-09-01 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
1 e52a1bbc-7b12-4d01-82cc-1196da05e399 2016-12-29 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
2 88587157-4de8-4459-b6d4-fd571b847575 1980-05-31 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
3 18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3 1982-06-21 True 25.0 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
4 92c8d9dc-2430-4b35-8fa8-63bf6913737b 1985-11-07 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
vals = all_dfs[0].iloc[1].values
array(['e52a1bbc-7b12-4d01-82cc-1196da05e399', '2016-12-29', False, nan,
       False, nan, False, nan, False, nan, False, nan, False, nan, False,
       nan, False, nan], dtype=object)
vals[0], vals[1], vals[2], vals[4], vals[6], vals[8]

Load Vocabs

vocab_list_1K = EhrVocabList.load(PATH_1K)
obs_vocab, alg_vocab, crpl_vocab, med_vocab, img_vocab, proc_vocab, cnd_vocab, imm_vocab = vocab_list_1K.records_vocabs
bday, bmonth, byear, marital, race, ethnicity, gender, birthplace, city, state, zipcode  = vocab_list_1K.demographics_vocabs
age_mean, age_std = vocab_list_1K.age_mean, vocab_list_1K.age_std
demographics_dims, recs_dims, demographics_dims_width, recs_dims_width = get_all_emb_dims(EhrVocabList.load(PATH_1K))
[(33, 8),
 (14, 7),
 (124, 11),
 (5, 5),
 (7, 6),
 (4, 5),
 (4, 5),
 (243, 14),
 (208, 13),
 (3, 5),
 (181, 13)]
[(536, 17),
 (26, 8),
 (50, 9),
 (226, 13),
 (11, 6),
 (137, 12),
 (184, 13),
 (20, 7)]
demographics_dims_width, recs_dims_width
(92, 85)

Assemble Single Patient

tst_pt = patients_df[patients_df.patient == tst_ptid]
patient birthdate diabetes diabetes_age stroke stroke_age alzheimers alzheimers_age coronary_heart coronary_heart_age lung_cancer lung_cancer_age breast_cancer breast_cancer_age rheumatoid_arthritis rheumatoid_arthritis_age epilepsy epilepsy_age
3 18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3 1982-06-21 True 25.0 False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN False NaN
demograph_vector = patient_demographics_df.loc[tst_ptid]
birthdate                    1982-06-21
marital                               M
race                              white
ethnicity                      hispanic
gender                                F
birthplace      Panama City  Panama  PA
city                            Waltham
state                     Massachusetts
zip                                2472
age_now_days                      14147
Name: 18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3, dtype: object
tst_pt_birthdate = tst_pt.birthdate.values[0]
#     tst_pt.diabetes.values[0], tst_pt.stroke.values[0], tst_pt.alzheimers.values[0], tst_pt.coronary_heart.values[0], tst_pt.lung_cancer.values[0]
Index(['diabetes', 'diabetes_age', 'stroke', 'stroke_age', 'alzheimers',
       'alzheimers_age', 'coronary_heart', 'coronary_heart_age', 'lung_cancer',
       'lung_cancer_age', 'breast_cancer', 'breast_cancer_age',
       'rheumatoid_arthritis', 'rheumatoid_arthritis_age', 'epilepsy',
for col in (patients_df.columns[2:]):
    if '_age' not in col:
tst_pt_conditions = {}
for cnd in cnds:
    tst_pt_conditions[cnd] = tst_pt[cnd].values[0]
{'diabetes': True,
 'stroke': False,
 'alzheimers': False,
 'coronary_heart': False,
 'lung_cancer': False,
 'breast_cancer': False,
 'rheumatoid_arthritis': False,
 'epilepsy': False}

Collate Codes & Offsets

  • Filter out for this patient
    • rec_dfs[[ptid]] + demographics[[ptid]]
    • df already filtered by cutoff age
    • This is being done in PatientList, this is just for testing, i.e. this will never be called
  • Use double [[ptid]] so that - even when single values are returned, we get a df
def get_rec_dfs(all_rec_dfs, ptid):
    '''Get all dfs for this patient, this is being done in `PatientList` so this is for testing only'''
    rec_dfs = []
    for rec_df in all_rec_dfs:
        except KeyError:
    return rec_dfs
%time rec_dfs = get_rec_dfs(all_rec_dfs, tst_ptid)
CPU times: user 12.3 ms, sys: 4.07 ms, total: 16.3 ms
Wall time: 16.3 ms

rec_dfs -- observations, allergies, careplans, medications, imaging_studies, procedures, conditions, immunizations

The following are empty for this ptid (to check and confirm, uncomment following code snippet and run)

  • allergies - 1
  • imaging_studies - 4
#     print(f'{name}: {rec_df.shape}')
#     display(rec_df.tail())
p_obs, p_alg, p_crpl, p_med, p_img, p_proc, p_cnd, p_immn = rec_dfs
  • For empty rec dfs like alg seen above, we have to indicate that nothing was recorded for this particular record (say allergies)
    1. So the codes list will be xxnones of length age_span
      • For example for age_start=10 and age_stop=35, we will get 25 xxnone
  • For non-empty rec dfs
    1. Collate codes by year or month (depending on age_in_months value)
    2. Compute respective offsets

For using age in days or hours (for example in case of hospitalization or ICU datasets)

  • This function will need to be modified (in addition to insert_age() in preprocessing.clean)
  • For example for age in days, insert_age() will insert a column in each data frame with the age in days, which then can be used by this function to filter for the right age_span


collate_codes_offsts(rec_df, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months=False)

Return a single patient's EmbeddingBag lookup codes and offsets for the given age span and age units

def collate_codes_offsts(rec_df, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months=False):
    """Return a single patient's EmbeddingBag lookup codes and offsets for the given age span and age units"""
    codes  = []
    offsts = [0]
    age_span = age_stop - age_start
    if rec_df.empty: 
        codes = ['xxnone'] * age_span
        offsts = list(range(age_span))
        for i in range(age_start, age_stop, 1):
            if age_in_months: res = (rec_df.code[rec_df.age_months == i]).values
            else            : res = (rec_df.code[rec_df.age == i]).values
            if len(res) > 0: 
                if i < age_stop - 1: offsts.append(offsts[-1] + len(res))
                if i < age_stop - 1: offsts.append(offsts[-1] + 1)
    assert len(offsts) == age_span
    return codes, offsts


Collate EHR codes for our test patient, from age 410 months to 420 months

%time all_codes_offsts = [collate_codes_offsts(df, age_start=410, age_stop=420, age_in_months=True) for df in rec_dfs]
CPU times: user 17.3 ms, sys: 126 µs, total: 17.4 ms
Wall time: 16.2 ms

Observation codes for the above age_span is obtained as below ..

obs_codes = all_codes_offsts[0][0]
 '72166-2||Never smoker||xxxnan||text',

and the corresponding offsets (to be used for EmbeddingBag lookups) is obtained as below.

obs_offsts = all_codes_offsts[0][1]
[0, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43]
len(obs_codes), len(obs_offsts)
(44, 10)

Note that: no matter how many observations are recorded, the number of offsets will always be equal to the age_span

Collate EHR codes for our test patient, from 10 to 30 years

%time all_codes_offsts = [collate_codes_offsts(df, age_start=10, age_stop=30) for df in rec_dfs]
CPU times: user 25.1 ms, sys: 85 µs, total: 25.2 ms
Wall time: 25.1 ms


  • Once we have all the codes from the vocabs, we need to numericalize them
  • Call to vocab.numericalize() must always be a list
  • codes returned from collate_codes_offsts() is always a list even if a single item
obs_codes = all_codes_offsts[0][0]
obs_codes_num = obs_vocab.numericalize(all_codes_offsts[0][0]) #codes numericalized
obs_offsts = all_codes_offsts[0][1] #offsets
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 7]
len(obs_codes), len(obs_codes_num), len(obs_offsts)
(59, 59, 20)
assert len(obs_codes) == len(obs_codes_num)
[('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded'),
 ('8302-2||160.29999999999998||cm||numeric', 'Body Height'),
  'Pain severity - 0-10 verbal numeric rating [Score] - Reported')]
proc_codes = all_codes_offsts[5][0]
proc_codes_num,proc_offsts = proc_vocab.numericalize(all_codes_offsts[5][0]), all_codes_offsts[5][1]
assert len(proc_codes) == len(proc_codes_num)
len(proc_codes), len(proc_codes_num), len(proc_offsts)
(21, 21, 20)

Putting all this into a function


get_codenums_offsts(rec_dfs, all_vocabs, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months)

Get numericalized record codes and offsets for a patient for a given age span


get_demographics(demograph_vector, demographics_vocabs, age_mean, age_std)

Numericalize demographics and normalize age for a given patient

Test - Codes & Offsets

%time codenums, offsts = get_codenums_offsts(rec_dfs, vocab_list_1K.records_vocabs, age_start=10, age_stop=30, age_in_months=False)
CPU times: user 92.2 ms, sys: 304 µs, total: 92.5 ms
Wall time: 90.9 ms
med_num, med_o = codenums[3],offsts[3]
med_codes, med_offsts = collate_codes_offsts(p_med, age_start=10, age_stop=30)
assert len(med_num) == len(med_codes)
assert med_o == med_offsts
('xxnone', 'Nothing recorded')
med_offsts, med_o
([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20],
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20])
(21, 20)
alg_codes, alg_offsts = collate_codes_offsts(p_alg, age_start=10, age_stop=30)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
obs_num, obs_o = codenums[0],offsts[0]
obs_codes, obs_offsts = collate_codes_offsts(p_obs, age_start=10, age_stop=30)
len(obs_codes), len(obs_offsts), len(obs_num), len(obs_o)
(59, 20, 59, 20)
assert len(obs_codes) == len(obs_num)
assert obs_o == obs_offsts
%time codenums1, offsts1 = get_codenums_offsts(rec_dfs, vocab_list_1K.records_vocabs, age_start=220, age_stop=420, age_in_months=True)
CPU times: user 420 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 420 ms
Wall time: 420 ms
for codenum, offst in zip(codenums1, offsts1):
    assert len(offst) == 200

Test - Demographics

birthdate                    1982-06-21
marital                               M
race                              white
ethnicity                      hispanic
gender                                F
birthplace      Panama City  Panama  PA
city                            Waltham
state                     Massachusetts
zip                                2472
age_now_days                      14147
Name: 18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3, dtype: object
get_demographics(demograph_vector, vocab_list_1K.demographics_vocabs, vocab_list_1K.age_mean, vocab_list_1K.age_std)
([22, 7, 84, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 4], -0.22388270869843924)
dem_vector = ['1988-05-16','S',None,None,'F','North Adams','Marlborough','Massachusetts',1901,11141]
dem_vector = pd.Series(dem_vector)
0       1988-05-16
1                S
2             None
3             None
4                F
5      North Adams
6      Marlborough
7    Massachusetts
8             1901
9            11141
dtype: object
get_demographics(dem_vector, vocab_list_1K.demographics_vocabs, vocab_list_1K.age_mean, vocab_list_1K.age_std)
([17, 6, 90, 4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 31, 2, 1], -0.536998027641407)
get_demographics(patient_demographics_df.loc['f5dcd418-09fe-4a2f-baa0-3da800bd8c3a'], vocab_list_1K.demographics_vocabs, \
                 vocab_list_1K.age_mean, vocab_list_1K.age_std) #has null
([19, 11, 98, 3, 3, 3, 3, 151, 3, 2, 113], -0.7689700220811906)

ItemBase - Patient

  • Based on the concept of ItemBase as used in fastai v1.x, in our case a single patient

class Patient[source]

Patient(nums, offsts, demographics, age_now, birthdate, conditions, ptid)

Class defining a patient object that holds all numericalized / transformed data for a single patient


Patient.create(rec_dfs, demograph, vocablist, ptid, birthdate, conditions, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months)

Lookup codes, numericalize and then create patient object - given a patient id



Call torch.Tensor.pin_memory for (all tensors of) this patient object



Puts (all tensors of) this patient object on GPU


%time p1 = Patient.create(rec_dfs, demograph_vector, vocab_list_1K, tst_ptid, tst_pt_birthdate, tst_pt_conditions, age_start=10, age_stop=30, age_in_months=False)
CPU times: user 85.6 ms, sys: 250 µs, total: 85.8 ms
Wall time: 84.5 ms
assert len(p1.obs_nums) == len(obs_codes)
tensor([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
        18, 56])
p1.conditions['diabetes'], p1.ptid, p1.birthdate
(True, '18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3', '1982-06-21')
ptid:18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3, birthdate:1982-06-21, [('diabetes', True), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
tensor([22,  7, 84,  2,  3,  2,  2,  5,  5,  2,  4])
tensor([-0.2239], dtype=torch.float64)
p1.demographics.shape, p1.age_now.shape
(torch.Size([11]), torch.Size([1])), p1.age_now.type(torch.LongTensor)), dim=0)
tensor([22,  7, 84,  2,  3,  2,  2,  5,  5,  2,  4,  0])
ptid:18794a7c-c7fa-47d6-8387-9fc133c4e1e3, birthdate:1982-06-21, conditions:[('diabetes', True), ('stroke', False)].., device:cuda:0
{'diabetes': True,
 'stroke': False,
 'alzheimers': False,
 'coronary_heart': False,
 'lung_cancer': False,
 'breast_cancer': False,
 'rheumatoid_arthritis': False,
 'epilepsy': False}
p1.demographics, p1.age_now
(tensor([22,  7, 84,  2,  3,  2,  2,  5,  5,  2,  4], device='cuda:0'),
 tensor([-0.2239], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float64))

ItemList - PatientList

  • Based on the concept of ItemList as used in fastai v1.x, which is a list of ItemBase objects
  • In our case PatientList is a list of Patient objects

Multiprocessing Implementation

  • Chunk total number of patients based on number of cores available on machine
  • Send each chunk of patients into a core
    • Let the parallelized sub proc in each core load all data and do the heavy lifting
    • The main proc just sends a list of indxs (patients) to work on


get_pckl_dir(path, split, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months)

Util function to construct pickle dir name - for persisting transformed PatientLists

def get_pckl_dir(path, split, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months):
    '''Util function to construct pickle dir name - for persisting transformed `PatientList`s'''
    dir_name = ''
    dir_name += 'months' if age_in_months else 'years'
    dir_name += f'_{age_start}_to_{age_stop}'
    pckl_dir = Path(f'{path}/processed/{dir_name}/{split}')
    return pckl_dir

class PatientList[source]

PatientList(pts, path, split, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months)

A class to hold a list of Patient objects


PatientList.create_save(all_dfs, vocablist, pckl_dir, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months, verbose=False)

Function to parellelize (based on available CPU cores), transformation for all patients in given dataset and save PatientList object


PatientList._create_pts_chunk(indx_chnk, all_dfs, vocablist, cnds, pckl_dir, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months, verbose)

Parallelized function to run on one core and transform a single chunk of patients and save


PatientList.load(path, split, age_start, age_stop, age_in_months)

Load previously created PatientList object


tst_pckl_dir = get_pckl_dir(PATH_1K, split='train', age_start=10, age_stop=30, age_in_months=False)
%time PatientList.create_save(all_dfs, vocab_list_1K, tst_pckl_dir, age_start=10, age_stop=30, age_in_months=False)
702 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_10_to_30/train
CPU times: user 745 ms, sys: 597 ms, total: 1.34 s
Wall time: 5.9 s


create_all_ptlists(path:Path, age_start:int, age_stop:int, age_in_months:bool, vocab_path:Path=None, verbose:bool=False, delete_existing:bool=True)

Create and save PatientLists for train, valid and test given dataset path


%time create_all_ptlists(PATH_1K, age_start=240, age_stop=360, age_in_months=True) #20 to 30 yrs in mos (seq_len = 120)
702 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_240_to_360/train
234 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_240_to_360/valid
235 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_240_to_360/test
CPU times: user 1.65 s, sys: 1.72 s, total: 3.37 s
Wall time: 20 s

Other examples

%time create_all_ptlists(PATH_1K, age_start=0, age_stop=20, age_in_months=False, verbose=False)
664 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/train
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/valid
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/test
CPU times: user 3.66 s, sys: 1.98 s, total: 5.64 s
Wall time: 32.4 s
%time create_all_ptlists(PATH_1K, age_start=0, age_stop=35, age_in_months=False, verbose=False)
664 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_35/train
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_35/valid
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_35/test
CPU times: user 3.66 s, sys: 1.93 s, total: 5.59 s
Wall time: 40.2 s
%time create_all_ptlists(PATH_1K, age_start=120, age_stop=360, age_in_months=True) #10 to 30 yrs in mos (seq_len = 240)
664 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_120_to_360/train
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_120_to_360/valid
222 total patients completed, saved patient list to datasets/synthea/1K/processed/months_120_to_360/test
CPU times: user 3.84 s, sys: 1.98 s, total: 5.82 s
Wall time: 46.8 s
ptlist_train = PatientList.load(PATH_1K, 'train', age_start=240, age_stop=360, age_in_months=True)
ptlist_valid = PatientList.load(PATH_1K, 'valid', age_start=240, age_stop=360, age_in_months=True)
ptlist_test  = PatientList.load(PATH_1K, 'test',  age_start=240, age_stop=360, age_in_months=True)
len(ptlist_train), len(ptlist_valid), len(ptlist_test)
(702, 234, 235)
PatientList (702 items)
base path:/home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K; split:train; age span:120 months
age_start:240; age_stop:360; age_type:months
ptid:0ace3e15-8aa4-41c5-8b90-2408285ebcfe, birthdate:1986-04-02, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:af1495be-5077-4087-98b1-9ff624c7582c, birthdate:2008-07-17, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:f23e12d9-2ec6-4006-b041-ea78d374e9c9, birthdate:2014-09-06, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:1968aa31-5fce-461a-9486-6e385a7b75e7, birthdate:1986-04-11, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:1211c8ff-ab73-49f3-b2ab-87b7a03f6167, birthdate:1972-03-24, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:27a8b7b6-007d-4036-82a7-80a9ab670dcb, birthdate:2005-04-13, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:532696f2-0b76-4eb0-9aea-a74e2fb1bed2, birthdate:1967-05-18, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:8641e13a-c832-4d97-811a-b735d0abb45e, birthdate:1982-10-06, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:7f874045-4062-405d-8c23-abb12d0af23e, birthdate:1972-05-20, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:0b6a83ae-fcb1-4b75-9ffa-d52898167d66, birthdate:1989-08-05, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu...]
PatientList (235 items)
base path:/home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K; split:test; age span:120 months
age_start:240; age_stop:360; age_type:months
ptid:b6e2e2fd-9584-4938-8b64-b61758009f72, birthdate:2014-04-11, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:9043026f-7d60-4b65-9c54-8ae48769ea00, birthdate:1962-09-11, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:cb1be644-93a5-4208-8776-f5feece6967a, birthdate:1954-02-03, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:817d7365-56fc-43f6-845e-ea9f5623d1aa, birthdate:1982-11-04, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:8b119fdd-0fea-46dd-9106-b5c7813e7260, birthdate:2000-07-25, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:6a8faf4c-5577-4f9b-964d-6dc253b3b0c1, birthdate:1949-03-16, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:6cf93841-acdc-45c5-aca5-7c3efefd7494, birthdate:1984-06-12, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:8db0d104-4c3f-40d3-bcf5-f5eb81b7308f, birthdate:2002-03-02, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:1a7e8f38-95df-4c27-8897-21ed04c3b98b, birthdate:1942-05-23, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu
ptid:04db6603-0017-4cc6-a46d-6df577b0a10d, birthdate:1972-09-04, [('diabetes', False), ('stroke', False)].., device:cpu...]
len(ptlist_train.items[300].obs_nums), len(ptlist_valid.items[200].obs_nums)
(145, 120)

Offsets length must be same as age_span (in this case 120)

len(ptlist_train.items[300].obs_offsts), len(ptlist_valid.items[200].obs_offsts)
(120, 120)
tensor([108, 112, 121,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
        108, 112, 121,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
        108, 112, 121,   0,   5,   7,  15,  19,  27,  33,  39,  43,  54,  60,
         64,  71,  73,  79,  84,  87,  95,  97, 102, 468,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
          0,   0,   0,   0,   0])
tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
{'diabetes': False,
 'stroke': False,
 'alzheimers': False,
 'coronary_heart': False,
 'lung_cancer': False,
 'breast_cancer': False,
 'rheumatoid_arthritis': False,
 'epilepsy': False}
counts = []
for cnd in cnds:
    train_count = [ptlist_train[i].conditions[cnd] == 1 for i in range(len(ptlist_train))].count(True)
    valid_count = [ptlist_valid[i].conditions[cnd] == 1 for i in range(len(ptlist_valid))].count(True)
    test_count  = [ptlist_test[i].conditions[cnd] == 1 for i in range(len(ptlist_test))].count(True)
    total_count = train_count+valid_count+test_count
    counts.append([train_count, valid_count, test_count, total_count])
counts_df = pd.DataFrame(counts, index=cnds, columns=['train','valid','test','total'])
train valid test total
diabetes 43 14 19 76
stroke 30 7 11 48
alzheimers 12 7 6 25
coronary_heart 39 11 11 61
lung_cancer 12 0 2 14
breast_cancer 11 8 2 21
rheumatoid_arthritis 2 0 0 2
epilepsy 15 5 2 22

Do All Preprocessing


preprocess_ehr_dataset(path, today, conditions_dict, valid_pct=0.2, test_pct=0.2, obs_vocab_buckets=5, age_start=0, age_stop=20, age_in_months=False, vocab_path=None, from_raw_data=False)

Util function to do all preprocessing - split & clean raw dataset, create vocab lists and create patient lists

{'diabetes': '44054006',
 'stroke': '230690007',
 'alzheimers': '26929004',
 'coronary_heart': '53741008',
 'lung_cancer': '254637007',
 'breast_cancer': '254837009',
 'rheumatoid_arthritis': '69896004',
 'epilepsy': '84757009'}
preprocess_ehr_dataset(PATH_1K, SYNTHEA_DATAGEN_DATES['1K'], CONDITIONS, from_raw_data=True)
------------------- Splitting and cleaning raw dataset -------------------
Splits:: train: 0.6, valid: 0.2, test: 0.2
Split patients into:: Train: 702, Valid: 234, Test: 235 -- Total before split: 1171
Saved train data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/raw_split/train
Saved valid data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/raw_split/valid
Saved test data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/raw_split/test
Saved cleaned "train" data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/cleaned/train
Saved vocab code tables to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/cleaned/train/codes
Saved cleaned "valid" data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/cleaned/valid
Saved cleaned "test" data to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/cleaned/test
------------------- Creating vocab lists -------------------
Saved vocab lists to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed
------------------- Creating patient lists -------------------
702 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/train
234 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/valid
235 total patients completed, saved patient list to /home/vinod/.lemonpie/datasets/synthea/1K/processed/years_0_to_20/test